Guangzhou – Guilin High-Speed Trains
China Train Ticket Service
Between Guangzhou and Guilin, there are 55 pairs of high-speed trains in service every day, with an average interval time of 15 minutes. They operate at Guangzhou South / Guangzhou railway stations in the city of Guangzhou, and Guilin North / Guilin / Guilin West railway stations in the city of Guilin. High-speed trains run at a top speed of 300 km/h (186 mph), with the travel time of 2 to 5 hours.
Guangzhou - Guilin High-Speed Train Schedules and Ticket Fares
(Updated on Sep 25, 2023)
Train Number |
Departure - Arrival |
Duration |
Ticket Fares |
D2803 |
06:57 – 09:33 |
2 h 36 min |
Second class: US$25 (165 CNY) First class: US$38 (264 CNY) Business class: US$71 (495 CNY) |
G2902 |
08:01 – 10:31 |
2 h 30 min |
D1882 |
09:06 – 11:48 |
2 h 42 min |
D2962 |
09:36 – 12:35 |
2 h 59 min |
D1764 |
10:16 – 12:52 |
2 h 36 min |
D1822 |
11:00 – 13:49 |
2 h 49 min |
D2960 |
13:27 – 16:01 |
2 h 34 min |
D1874 |
15:09 – 17:48 |
2 h 39 min |
- There are more than 50 high-speed trains from Guangzhou to Guilin. Trains listed above are some of them. Check up-to-date schedules.
- Guangzhou to Guilin high-speed trains operate at different train stations in both cities. Please pay attention to which train station your train will depart from / arrive at when you make the booking.
- Business class seats are available on G-category trains, not on D-category trains.
Guilin to Guangzhou High-Speed Train Schedules and Ticket Fares
(Updated on Sep 25, 2023)
Train Number |
Departure - Arrival |
Duration |
Ticket Fares |
D1887 |
07:10 – 09:42 |
2 h 32 min |
Second class: US$25 (165 CNY) First class: US$38 (264 CNY) Business class: US$71 (495 CNY) |
G2807 |
11:20 – 14:05 |
2 h 45 min |
D1861 |
12:00 – 14:53 |
2 h 53 min |
D2823 |
13:00 – 15:37 |
2 h 37 min |
G4511 |
15:11 – 17:30 |
2 h 19 min |
D2975 |
18:12 – 21:01 |
2 h 49 min |
D1825 |
19:55 – 22:21 |
2 h 26 min |
D1833 |
21:02 – 23:50 |
2 h 48 min |
Seat Classes on Guangzhou – Guilin High-Speed Trains
High-speed trains on Guangzhou – Guilin rail route provide three types of seats: second class seat, first class seat and business class seat. Second class seat and first-class seat are the most popular among travelers. Business class seat is the most expensive but the most comfortable. Here is the introduction of each type of seat class.
Second Class
Second class seat is the standard type and the cheapest on high-speed trains. It is also the most common types on G, D and C trains. A second-class coach has five seats in a row, two seats on one side of the aisle and three on the other. The configuration is A+B+C and D+F. Seats numbered A and F are window seats.
First Class
First class carriage provides more comfort and privacy than second class. The first-class seat is wider than a second-class seat. First-class seats are arranged as A+C and D+F across the coach width, offering more leg room and elbow room. Moreover, there is an automatic door to separate the coach from the others to keep quiet and private.
Business Class
Business class seats are available on most G-category trains and some D and C-category trains. This is the most luxurious and expensive class on high-speed trains. There are three seats in a row, two seats on one side and one on the other side of the aisle (A+C and F). As first class, there is also an automatic door to keep the coach quiet and private.
How to Get to Pazhou Complex from Guangzhou South
The Pazhou Complex is situated on Pazhou Island in the Haizhu District of Guangzhou. With a total area of about 1.1 million square meters, it is divided into several exhibition halls, including the Main Exhibition Hall and the International Exhibition Hall. It is one of the largest exhibition centers in Asia and is famous for hosting the Canton Fair, also known as the China Import and Export Fair.

To get to Pazhou Complex from Guangzhou South Station, you have several transportation options:
By Metro
1. Exit Guangzhou South Station and head to the nearby Guangzhou South Railway Metro Station.
2. Take Line 2 (Guangzhou South - Jiahewanggang direction) and ride for approximately 7 stations.
3. Get off at Changgang Station and transfer to Line 8 (Changgang - Wanshengwei direction).
4. Ride Line 8 for about 5 stations and alight at Pazhou Station.
Please note: Pazhou Complex has two main entrances (East and West entrance). Check the specific entrance you need to reach before exiting the metro station.
By Taxi
1. Exit Guangzhou South Station and find a taxi stand or use a ride-hailing app like DiDi or Uber.
2. Inform the driver that you want to go to Pazhou Complex (specifically mention the East or West entrance based on your destination).
Please note: It can be helpful to show the driver the Chinese address or a map of your destination, if possible.
Tours in Guilin

Guilin, located in the Guangxi region of southern China, is renowned for its breathtaking natural scenery and is a popular destination for tourists. Here are some of the top tourist attractions in Guilin:
1. Li River Cruise: A hallmark of Guilin, taking a boat cruise along the Li River allows you to witness the stunning karst landscape, with limestone peaks rising dramatically from the water. One Day Li River Cruise and Yangshuo Countryside Cycling.
2. Elephant Trunk Hill: Shaped like an elephant drinking from the river, this landmark rock formation is one of the city's most famous attractions and offers panoramic views of Guilin.
3. Longsheng Rice Terraces: Located outside of Guilin, the Longsheng Rice Terraces feature beautifully sculpted cascading rice fields that create picturesque landscapes. The terraces are especially captivating during the planting and harvesting seasons. 1-Day Longji Rice Terraced Fields and Minority Villages Tour.
4. Yangshuo: A charming town located near Guilin, Yangshuo is surrounded by picturesque countryside and offers a wide range of outdoor activities such as biking, hiking, and bamboo rafting. One Day Yangshuo and Li River Highlights Tour.
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