Vietnam Trains

Trains are a comfortable, safe and cost-effective way to travel around Vietnam. Trains have more leg room than flights and coaches. A train journey can also be a genuine Vietnamese experience. You can get an insight into Vietnam during the train journey. In addition to domestic trains, Vietnam has an international train connecting to China.


These pages will help you understand train travel in Vietnam and help you arrange your train tickets. The Vietnam train travel tips include how to book China train tickets and what it is like to take a train in Vietnam, etc.

Train Travel Routes

Due to its geographical features, Vietnam has one mail rail line from north to south, called North – South Railway. It operates between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, and has Nam Dinh, Thanh Hoa, Vinh, Dong Hoi, Dong Ha, Hue, Da Nang, Nha Trang and Thap Cham along the way. An air-conditioned overnight train ride is a comfortable way traveling from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City.

Railway Stations

Most railway stations in Vietnam are centrally located and well-connected to other parts of the city. There are usually local bus and coaches from railway stations to scenic spots. In Hanoi, Hanoi Railway Station serves domestic trains. Gia Lam Railway Station serves the international train to Nanning and Beijing in China.