Home How to Travel from Tokyo to Hiroshima?

How to Travel from Tokyo to Hiroshima?

Hiroshima is the largest city in the Chugoku region of western Honshu. From Tokyo to Hiroshima, there are flights, bullet trains and long-distance buses. Read on to find out which mode of transportation is best for you.

From Tokyo to Hiroshima by Shinkansen

Shinkansen is the most popular way of transport from Tokyo to Hiroshima for among travelers. You can take Tokaido Shinkansen and Sanyo Shinkansen from Tokyo to Hiroshima directly. It takes about four hours for this journey. There are four trains in service every hour.

The one-way fare for a regular reserved seat is 19,080 yen. If you buy a round-trip ticket from Tokyo and then return to Tokyo, the one-way fare will be cheaper, at 17,910 yen.

Tokaido Shinkansen Train Schedules

Journey Distance Duration Ticket Prices
From – To Kilometer/Mile Nozomi Hikari Kodama Green Car Reserved Seat Unreserved Seat
Tokyo – Shin-Yokohama 28.8 km (17.9 mi) 18 min 18 min 18 min 3,780 yen 3,210 yen 1,380 yen
Tokyo – Shizuoka 180.2 km (111.7 mi) -- 60 min 87 min 8,740 yen 6,670 yen 5,940 yen
Tokyo – Hamamatsu 257.1 km (159.4 mi) -- 87 min 114 min 12,100 yen 8,640 yen 7,910 yen
Tokyo – Nagoya 366 km (226.9 mi) 99 min 104 min -- 14,960 yen 11,500 yen 10,560 yen
Tokyo – Kyoto 513.6 km (318.4 mi) 132-138 min -- -- 19,040 yen 14,370 yen 13,320 yen
Tokyo – Shin-Osaka 552.6 km (342.6 mi) 150-153 min -- -- 19,590 yen 14,920 yen 13,870 yen

Sanyo Shinkansen Train Schedules

Journey Distance Duration Ticket Prices
From – To Kilometer/Mile Nozomi Hikari Mizuho Sakura Green Car Reserved Seat Unreserved Seat
Shin-Osaka – Shin-Kobe 36.9 km (22.9 mi) 12 min 12 min 12 min 12 min 3,920 yen 2,950 yen 1,520 yen
Shin-Osaka – Okayama 180.3 km (111.8 mi) 45 min 77 min 46 min 48 min 8,620 yen 6,150 yen 5,610 yen
Shin-Osaka – Hiroshima 341.6 km (211.8 mi) 85 min -- -- 90 min 14,290 yen 10,830 yen 9,890 yen

From Tokyo to Hiroshima by Airplane

At present, Flights from Tokyo to Hiroshima airport are now available at Narita International Airport, Haneda Airport. The flight journey takes about an hour and a half. The whole travel time, plus travel time from the city to the airport and boarding time, is almost the same as taking a train.

The air fare for a one-way ticket from Tokyo to Hiroshima is between 12,000 yen to 30,000 yen.

From Tokyo to Hiroshima by Bus

The cheapest way of traveling from Tokyo to Hiroshima is by bus. A one-way ticket costs 5,000 yen. The bus departs from Tokyo Station at 8:30 pm, the arrival time varies according to different coach companies, usually between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. The journey duration is approximately 13 hours.

The Tokyo to Hiroshima overnight bus is perfect for travelers with limited budget. It saves a night’s hotel bill and can leave more sightseeing time during the day and

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